Our Trustees

The Trustees

As a Charity Trinity Hospital is managed by a board of Trustees. The Trustees of Trinity Hospital Charity share collective responsibility for ensuring good governance and they have adopted the Charity Governance Code in addition to other guidance and regulations as issued by the Charity Commission.

The Board of Trustees between them have a deep understanding of housing, property, estates, finance, care and support issues. In addition, they are responsible for setting high level strategic objectives, ensuring the financial viability of the Charity and monitoring operational performance to ensure we are achieving our Charitable objectives.

In addition to the full board, the Governors work through committees and these are;

  • Estate
  • Finance and Grants
  • House

The Governors fall into three categories – Ex – Officio (2); Nominated (9); Co-opted (7);

The nominated Governors are appointed:

4 by Leicester City Council

2 by Leicestershire County Council Social Services Committee

2 by Leicestershire County Council Local Education Authority

Each appointment is for a term of 5 years.

The present Governors of the Charity are:

Mrs E M Bamford (Vice Chairman of House)

Dr S Barton

Mrs A Brown

Mrs S V Hubner (Chairman of House)

Mr D W Lax (Vice Chairman of Finance and Grants)

Rev. A Q Micklethwaite Chaplain of Wyggestons and Trinity Almshouses

Mr J K McLauchlan (Honorary Governor)

Mr P C Osborne (Chairman of Finance and Grants)

Councillor L Phillimore

Mrs T M Phillips (Chair of Estates)

Mr R L Pierce (Vice Chairman of Estate)

Mrs P M Posnett MBE

Mrs S R Powell (Chairman)

Mr J W Royce

Mr O J Saunders (Vice Chairman)

Mr W K Wright

The Lord Mayor of Leicester Honorary Governor

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